The RGHI Fellowship Program is now open

The Reckitt Global Hygiene Institute Fellowship Program 2022 is now open. The Program aims to support high-quality scientific research addressing the links between hygiene and health. The goal of the Fellowship Program is to stimulate new scientific discovery and translation of research findings into tangible advances in hygiene practices around the world. It encompasses basic research, clinical investigation, epidemiology, behavioral science, sociology, health economics and engineering.
The Reckitt Fellowship Program is designed to support early career researchers in the field of hygiene and health in the transition to becoming independent researchers and provides 3 years of funding and are designed to support researchers transitioning to the next level in their careers and provide:
Protected time to focus on his/her own research, shielded from other professional commitments.
Funding for a challenging research project and an ambitious program of training which offers accelerated personal and career development.
Up to 3 years full time salary support.
Up to $150,000 for research costs.
Up to $15,000 for travel expenses.
Up to $15,000 for training and capacity building.
The RGHI Fellowship program is open to researchers with up to 5 years of experience post-PhD (exclusive of career breaks). Fellows must be employed by a university or academic research institute for the duration of the fellowship or have secured an offer of employment prior to the submission of the application.
Applications are encouraged from nationals of low-and middle-income countries.
Applications are due by June 6, 2022
For more information visit the RGHI Fellowship Program page – Fellowships – Reckitt Global Hygiene Institute (