RGHI Collaboration Accelerator Award FAQs

We keep this page regularly updated with answers to frequently asked questions regarding the RGHI Collaboration Accelerator Award 2024.

Your queries may also be answered in the launch webinar recording, below.

If you have a query that is not addressed below, you can get in touch with us at grants_admin@mail.rghi.org

About the Collaboration Accelerator Award (CAA)

  1. What is the purpose of the CAA?

The RGHI Collaboration Accelerator Award is designed to support transdisciplinary partnerships that accelerate global progress towards improved hygiene. The CAA will support the development of collaborative teams that include researchers, policy actors and/or practitioners that will deliver research that is locally relevant and globally resonant to advance hygiene evidence, policy and practice and improve health and wellbeing for the world’s most vulnerable communities.

  1. What do you mean by a transdisciplinary research team?

A transdisciplinary team could take many forms. The key criteria is that the prime institution must be an academic institution, and the consortium must include a nationally or internationally active policy institution and/or institution responsible for the delivery of hygiene interventions at scale (district level or above). One example might be a university (the prime institution) applying with a policy actor such as a government body, and a non-profit delivering interventions at district level or above.

  1. What do you mean by a Theory of Change?

A Theory of Change is a model, unique to your research, that demonstrates the intended impact of the proposed research, and how this impact will be reached considering the project’s resources, activities, and outputs, and how these will lead to impactful outcomes. This should be developed in a consultative manner with relevant stakeholders.

  1. What do you mean by “future funding”?

A key goal of this award is to support the development collaborative teams that are well-placed to apply for further funding. This could be funding that continues the research or that looks to develop on it, or scale it.

  1. Does the uptake of research in policy/practice have to be done in the 24-month period?

No, the aim of the research period of up to 24 months will be to conduct transdisciplinary research that leads to potential scientific or technical outputs that inform longer term research or policy/practice plans.

Eligibility criteria

  1. What types of projects are eligible for funding?

The focus of the CAA is on locally identified policy and/or practice needs; these should guide the focus of the research. Applications are welcome that respond to hygiene research relevant to one or more of the following thematic areas:

  • Hygiene behaviours and behaviour change
  • Planetary heath and climate change
  • One Health including Zoonosis and Antimicrobial Resistance
  • Gender equity and social inclusion
  • Research specific to the economic and policy dimensions of hygiene

If you are unsure if your project aligns, please email us at grants_admin@mail.rghi.org

  1. Can a project cover more than one research area?

Yes, while the application form will ask you to identify one primary research area, applications that cover multiple thematic areas will be accepted.

  1. Which institutions and organisations are eligible for the CAA?

Applications must include at least one research institution from the country in which the policy or practice need has been identified, additional collaborators (academic or otherwise) from other countries are welcome as long as the unique value add in terms of knowledge/skills can be justified in relation to the proposed work.

  1. Can for-profit organisations apply?

A for-profit organization can be part of a consortium. The prime institution must be an academic institution.

  1. Can a research institute apply?

Yes, as long as the organization’s main purpose is research then these organisations will be eligible. The prime institution must have a portfolio of research that demonstrates this.

  1. Can an institution submit more than one proposal?

Yes, an institution can submit multiple proposals. However, a individual cannot be the Principal Investigator for more than one application.

  1. Can a Principal Investigator (PI) submit more than one application?

An individual can only submit one application as a PI. However, an individual can be the PI on one application and a researcher/team member on one or more further applications.

  1. Can partner institutions be in different countries?

Yes. Applications must include at least one research institution from the country in which the policy or practice need has been identified, but additional collaborators (academic or otherwise) from other countries are welcome if the unique value add in terms of knowledge/skills can be justified in relation to the proposed work.

  1. Can a consortium partner be an international organization?

Yes, the consortium can be made up of international collaborators, however applications must include at least one research institution from the country in which the policy or practice need has been identified.

  1. Can a new consortium apply?

Yes, the research partners do not have to have previously partnered together.

  1. Can current RGHI award holders apply for the Collaboration Accelerator Award?

Yes, RGHI award holder can apply for this award. However, if 100% of their salary comes from their current RGHI award then they cannot charge salary to this grant while they are still receiving their full salary from a current RGHI grant.

  1. I have previously applied for RGHI funding and was unsuccessful. Can I apply for this award?

Yes, a previous application does not disqualify you from applying for this award.

Application process

  1. What is the application process for the CAA?

The application form is completed on RGHI’s grant management system, Foundant. The PI from the lead research institute must create an account and complete the online form. More information on the application can be found in Appendix 1 of the call specification.

  1. When is the application deadline?

September 4 2024, 5pm ET

  1. Is there a budget limit?

The budget should not exceed $200,000.

  1. What is the policy on overheads/IDCs?

RGHI will pay a maximum indirect rate of 25% on all direct costs to the Prime institution and a maximum indirect rate of 25% on all direct costs to any Collaborating institutions/organizations. Prime institutions cannot claim indirect costs on the value of subcontracts or consultancies.

  1. How are awards reviewed and selected?

Applications will be reviewed by a panel of experts based on the scoring criteria found in the call specification. The panel will determine which applications are fundable and rank the applications based on the scoring criteria. The top applications will be selected for funding.

  1. When will applicants be notified?

Applicants will be notified on the status of their award by early November 2024.

Other questions

  1. How do I contact RGHI?

For queries related to the CAA please contact the grants team grants_admin@mail.rghi.org

  1. Over what timeframe would funding be released?

Funding will be linked to milestone reporting, which take place every six months. Therefore the total award will be split evenly into six-monthly tranches throughout the life of the grant.

  1. Is there an appeals process if my application is not funded?

There is no appeals process for the CAA call. We will provide timely feedback on all applications, including justification for funding/not funding.

  1. What are the reporting requirements for successful awardees?

RGHI require grant holders to submit reports every 6 months for review. This is done through the Grant Management System, Foundant.