Entries by Matchfire

What a new indicator list means for menstrual health and hygiene

Last month, a consortium of experts and stakeholders on menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) and measurement launched a shortlist of indicators to monitor girls’ MHH at national level. Supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the aim of the list and technical guidance is to provide countries with indicators that can be taken up to support […]

Case study: Dr. Sheillah Simiyu

Hygiene is so basic yet so difficult for people to practise and we don’t know why, says Dr. Sheillah Simiyu, Associate Research Scientist at the African Population & Health Research Centre in Kenya. Simiyu, who has dedicated her career to water, sanitation and hygiene, is one of five researchers selected to be the first recipients […]

Case study: Dr Ian Ross

Cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis have a lot to offer hygiene research, according to Dr. Ian Ross, a research fellow in health economics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Such information, he explained, is critical when it comes to allocating resources to the most efficient interventions and reaching more people with the same […]

Case study: Dr. Julie Hennegan

There are a lot of different menstrual-related needs that people have and the default is to provide tangible products, but more information is needed about what people actually want and need. With support from the Reckitt fellowship, Dr. Julie Hennegan, research fellow at Australia’s Burnet Institute, plans to generate research on just that. “By providing better […]

Case study: Giorgia Gon

How can culture be leveraged to promote improved hygiene practices? That’s the question Giorgia Gon, Assistant Professor of epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, plans to answer over the next three years. As one of the first Reckitt fellows she’ll be financially supported, along with four other researchers, as she investigates social norms — a […]

Following Covid, where do we stand with hygiene?

Over the past two years, globally the world’s understanding of the importance of hygiene and where it fits within our toolbox of preventative measures to save off illness has substantially increased. More people are handwashing on a more regular basis. Investments have enabled more people to have access to clean water and handwashing facilities. The […]

Individual action required to safeguard the NHS

The NHS is buckling under the weight of increasing COVID-19 cases. Maintaining hygiene standards is one way individuals can help. Earlier this week an NHS chief described a health system on its knees under the strain of new coronavirus infections. They called for the government to bring back COVID-19 measures or else risk “abandoning” the service. According […]

On World Health Day hygiene experts say global health has forgotten its most important weapon

Hygiene is vital in fighting off a whole range of diseases, including COVID-19, yet policymakers and others fail to invest, promote, and research it, say hygiene experts at the Reckitt Global Hygiene Institute. Instead, vaccines, antibiotics and alternative treatments take centre stage leaving this critical health component to wane. Hygiene, according to the RGHI, is the […]